a - z指数

Personal and Professional Development Opportunities


日期(s) 报告标题 主持人
9月. 25 Navigating Change - Harnessing its Power to Strengthen Your Organization 劳伦·西弗
9月. 30 Harnessing AI for Workplace Success 伯顿凯尔索
10月. 10 Propel Your Career to the Next Level with Microcredentials 丽贝卡Lobina
10月. 16 需要付出什么 卡洛斯参考
11月. 7 Effectively Engaging Across Differences Dr. 谢马龙
11月. 18 EQ & 聪明,活力:掌握情商大学成功 Dr. 克莱尔Muselman
9月. 10月16日,. 11月22日或. 15 C.A.L.M. 在危机 健康服务
9月. 9月17日,. 10月26日,. 10月23日,. 11月30日. 11月6日或. 12 模拟面试日 职业服务



Navigating Change - Harnessing its Power to Strengthen Your Organization

Navigating Change - Harnessing its Power to Strengthen Your Organization


Date: Wednesday, 9月ember 25
时间:上午11点.m., 2 p.m. 或者是4p.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

如果说过去几年和记棋牌娱乐学到了什么,那就是变化是不可避免的. Instead of  fearing or resisting it, 然而, savvy leaders know that change can be a stimulant for growth and success. 在本次会议上, 和记棋牌娱乐将探索成为变革催化剂的艺术,并利用其力量来加强您的公司. 

这个引人入胜的互动会议将为您提供有效管理和利用变更的宝贵见解和实用策略, 通过冲突和变革,你需要有效沟通的工具(包括高层和低层),这样他们就不会破坏整个组织.

After completing this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the toxic results of poorly managed change
  • Identify opportunities for growth within change
  • 确定如何建立期望,以确保混乱不会破坏顺利运营
  • Identify potential issues from multiple perspectives
  • Function successfully in the midst of on-going change

Harnessing AI for Workplace Success

Harnessing AI for Workplace Success

伯顿凯尔索, Speaker, TEDx Keynote Technology Speaker

Dates: Monday, 9月ember 30
时间:上午10点.m., 1 p.m. 还有3p.m. 
地点: 学生会会议室

In this electrifying talk, 和记棋牌娱乐将探索人工智能如何不仅仅是自动化任务,它还能提高你在劳动力中的潜力. 当和记棋牌娱乐坐上人工智能过山车时,请系好安全带,了解在拥抱聊天机器人时哪些技能是重要的,以及当涉及到你的潜力时,你如何提高你的市场竞争力.

Propel Your Career to the Next Level with Microcredentials

Propel Your Career to the Next Level with Microcredentials

丽贝卡Lobina, Continuing Professional Education & 密苏里州SBDC主任
Northwest Missouri State University

Date: Thursday, 10月ober 10
时间:上午10点.m., 12:30 p.m. 或者2p.m.
地点: Student Union Meeting Room D

微证书是对你所在行业技能和专业知识的基于能力的认可. No matter your chosen career field, 微证书为你的知识提供了证据,让你比那些没有这些证书的人领先一步. 和记棋牌娱乐提供的培训几乎涵盖了所有职业.


  1. Be introduced to the many types of microcredentials
  2. Understand the value of microcredentials & how to best leverage them when used to obtain promotions, 职业发展, skill recognition and job placement
  3. 回顾那些看重和/或需要微证书的最常见的职业道路
  4. Know how to access the many microcredential offerings at Northwest



Business Development Coach and Motivational Speaker

Date: Wednesday, 10月ober 16
时间:上午11点.m., 1 p.m. 或者是4p.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

  • The dream: What is your Dream? What it will take to get there
  • The Journey: What does your Journey look like? Do you have a clear path
  • The Destination, How far is your destination

Effectively Engaging Across Differences

Effectively Engaging Across Differences

Dr. Shalon Malone,机构效率和全球参与助理副总裁
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Northwest Missouri State University

Dates: Thursday, 11月ember 7, 2024
时间:上午11点.m., 1 p.m. 下午3:30.m. 
地点: 学生会会议室

和记棋牌娱乐能够在多元文化的员工队伍中与他人合作并领导他人时,专业人员就会取得成功. Diversity crosses cultural, global, gender, and generational issues. 这个互动式的工作坊将提供通过检查沟通来理解和与同事合作的方法, 团队合作, feedback and being supportive and appreciating diverse perspective.

EQ & 聪明,活力:掌握情商大学成功

EQ & 聪明,活力:掌握情商大学成功

Dr. 克莱尔Muselman, Coach and Speaker

Date: Monday, 11月ember 18
时间:上午10点.m., 12 p.m. 或者3p.m.
地点: 学生会会议室

College life is a whirlwind of experiences, 挑战, 和机会, 一切都被光明点燃, dynamic energy that defines this stage of your life. 但是你如何利用这种能量来充分利用你在大学和以后的时间呢? The answer lies in mastering Emotional Intelligence (EQ). 本课程将向你展示如何将你的活力转化为有效的决策, building meaningful relationships, and achieving your goals with confidence and positivity.


  • Unleash Your Bright Dynamic Energy:学习如何利用和引导你的能量,以促进你的个人成长, 学术成就, 以及社会互动.
  • Master the Five Components of EQ:Understand how self-awareness, 自律, 动机, 同理心, 社交技能可以将你的能量转化为成功的强大力量.
  • Stay Centered and Positive:学会管理压力的技巧,即使在充满挑战的情况下也能保持精力充沛, ensuring you stay on top of your game.
  • Boost Your Social Impact:发现如何利用你的活力与同事建立更深层次的联系, collaborate effectively in teams, and leave a positive mark on your community.
  • 运用有活力的情商:参与互动练习不仅能教会你情商,还能帮助你将精力投入到实践中, 现实世界的应用程序.


  • Empowered Decision-Making:Students will be able to direct their energy into making informed, confident decisions that align with their goals and values.
  • Energized Relationships:Students will enhance their ability to connect with others, creating vibrant and supportive networks of friends, 同学们, 和导师.
  • 有弹性的积极性:Students will learn to maintain their dynamic energy and positivity, even in the face of setbacks, leading to greater resilience and personal growth.
  • Future-Ready Confidence:学生将了解如何利用自己的聪明才智和情商技能,在未来的职业生涯和个人生活中脱颖而出.

C.A.L.M. 在危机

C.A.L.M. 在危机

Northwest Missouri State University 


  • Monday, 9月ember 16, 2024 – 2:30 - 5 p.m., 学生会会议室
  • Tuesday, 10月ober 22, 2024 - 2:30 - 5 p.m., 学生会会议室
  • Friday, 11月ember 15, 2024 - 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 学生会会议室

长度:2.5 Hours (In addition to a 1 hour online 训练营)

该项目旨在帮助校园社区识别有心理健康问题的学生.  该培训适用于和记棋牌娱乐的所有教职员工和学生!  It is a two-part training including a 1-hour online 训练营 and a 2.5 hour, in-person training held here on campus. 
而咨询服务是帮助支持和记棋牌娱乐的学生心理健康需求的关键, our campus community plays a critical role in overall student wellness. Because of the increasing prevalence of mental health struggles, student success is being increasingly affected. C的目的.A.L.M. 危机是在和记棋牌娱乐的校园社区(学生,教师和工作人员)建立技能. 培训的重点是提高人们对自杀危险因素和警告信号的认识, how to recognize and respond when they occur, when/how to refer to available resources, ways in which to offer hope, and the importance of managing personal wellness throughout the process. 参与培训是和记棋牌娱乐如何帮助协调和记棋牌娱乐在校园中的各种角色,为和记棋牌娱乐对学生福利的持续支持带来循证干预.

重要提示:这是一个由两部分组成的培训,需要完成一个在线部分, 训练营, as well as an in-person component. 训练营需要在您选择的现场培训日期的两周内在西北在线完成. 参加训练营的信息将在现场培训前两周通过电子邮件发送. 

The course is organized around the acronym C.A.L.M.
C -创造意识  
A -问问题 
L -学习资源 
M – Manage Your Wellness 

Content includes a brief overview of mental health concerns on campus, as well as breaking down each component of the C.A.L.M. acronym. 完成这两个培训部分后,与会者将通过电子邮件收到结业证书.

This session counts as three Career Pathing sessions.

C.A.L.M 在危机 Student Registration



Northwest Missouri State University

日期和地点: 2024秋季活动:

  • Agriculture – Tuesday, 9月ember 17 – Ag Learning Center and Zoom
  • Computer Science and Information Systems – Thursday, 9月ember 26 - Zoom
  • Business – Wednesday, 10月ober 23 - Zoom
  • Health and Natural Sciences – Wednesday, 10月ober 30 - Zoom
  • Behavioral Sciences – Wednesday, 10月ober 30 - Zoom
  • Education – Wednesday, 11月ember 6 – Hughes Fieldhouse and Zoom
  • Language, Literature and Writing – Tuesday, 11月ember 12 - Zoom


这些活动的目的是帮助学生通过面对面或在Zoom上与真正的雇主会面来获得面试经验. 面试过程中, the employers will provide students with feedback on their resume, 面试回答, 总体印象. 和记棋牌娱乐鼓励雇主使用他们自己的面试形式,使模拟面试尽可能接近真实的面试.


  • 20 minutes to conduct the interview
  • 5-10分钟的时间来评价简历/面试技巧并提供反馈


Register for 模拟面试日